1. The name of this organization shall be the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network.
2. The National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry shall have as its Mission the implementation of the National Black Catholic Pastoral Plan and prospective national initiatives regarding youth and young adults.
To enhance the professional development of African American Catholic youth and young adult ministers;
To foster a support system for African American Catholic youth and young adult ministers; to nurture ministry with African American Catholic youth and young adults.
1. The objectives of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network are:
To challenge, design, authenticate, empower and implement existing programs designed to promote leadership training for youth and adults
To further develop opportunities for African American Catholic youth and young adults to deepen their knowledge of African American culture and African spirituality
To cultivate and give authentic voice and representation to the spiritual, social, emotional and cultural needs of Black Catholic youth
1. General Membership in the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network shall consist of any Catholic African American person, who ministers to, with, by, and for African American Catholic Youth or Young Adults. They are expected to pay the full designated fee which entitles them to full participation in the organization.
2. Affiliate Memberships – Any organization, or diocese that has a part of their community, Youth Ministry, to, by, with, and for African American youth either through mandates of the National Black Catholic Pastoral Plan – 1987; or the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry Vision of Youth Ministry Document
3. Any person who ministers to, by, with, and for African American Catholic youth/young adult is eligible to be an affiliate member. Affiliate members shall have no vote as members of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network . They are responsible for paying 50% of the membership dues.
1. Dues shall be assessed annually by the Treasurer of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network, and are due and payable on or before November 30, of the current calendar year for both general and affiliate memberships.
2. Dues are used for conference fees, guest speaker fees, written material about the Network, Network membership fees to other organizations, website maintenance fees
1. The Board of Directors of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network shall consist of fourteen (14) regional coordinators, a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian and two (2) regional delegates (Youth and Young Adults). They shall have as their duties, the responsibility for carrying out the mission and business of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network.
A. Regional coordinators are any individual from the African Diaspora in good standing in the church and good financial standing with the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network. They are discerned by their regional membership using their own selection process. The regional coordinator is discerned for a term of office for three (3) years, renewable for a second term. It is possible for the regional coordinator to represent youth and young adults.
B. Regions are established as follows:
Region I – Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
Region II – New York State
Region III – Pennsylvania, New Jersey
Region IV – North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina
Region V – Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee
Region VI – Ohio, Michigan
Region VII – Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin
Region VIII – North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota
Region IX – Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas
Region X – Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas
Region XI – California, Hawaii, Guam
Region XII – Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Washington
Region XIII – Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada
Region XIV – Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Washington, DC, West Virginia
1. The Officers of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasure and Parliamentarian.
A. Any Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, Secretary, or the full Board of Directors. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein or if no time is specified, upon its acceptance by the President or the Board.
B. Any Director may be removed from the Board, with or without cause, at a meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present. When such a decision cannot reasonably be reached by consensus, a two-thirds majority of votes cast at the meeting shall govern.”
C. All officers should be in good financial standing to hold office.
D. The president shall be elected by the general membership for a term of three (3) years, renewable for a second term. The president as well as all officers should not serve as a regional coordinator during their term as an officer.
2. Duties of the President
Convener of meetings of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network.
Establish an agenda with the executive board members of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network (NAACYYAMN).
Sign all official communications and reports in collaboration with Executive board members.
Appoint all ad-hoc committees, and ad-hoc committee members in collaborations with Executive Board members.
Represent the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network at all public functions requiring presence in collaboration with Executive Board members.
Report all official actions of the chairperson to the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network through its Board of Directors.
Perform all duties incumbent upon the office of chairperson and such other duties as presented by a majority vote of the Board of Directors
D. The Vice-President shall be elected by the general membership for a term of office of three (3) years, renewable for a second term.
3. Duties of the Vice-President
Serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors
Serves as a member of the Executive Board
Represent the Chairperson in the absence of same at all functions of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network, and other official functions
Serves as the liaison to the regional coordinators providing quarterly reports to the executive board and a written report to the membership.
Assist the designated person for annual meeting sites.
Assist with information for the website.
Perform other duties requested by the Chairperson and majority of the Board of Directors.
Serves as the liaison to the NAACYYAMN committees providing quarterly reports to the Executive Board.
E. The Secretary shall be elected from NAACYYAMN membership and by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall be a member of the Board of Directors and serve for a term of office of three (3) years, renewable for a second term.
4. Duties of the Secretary
Keep minutes of all meetings/conference calls
Responsible for the archives of the organization
Supply minutes to the membership
Assist a team of designated individuals in developing a Bi-monthly Newsletter
Responsible for providing membership information to new members and interested parties with the approval of the president.
F. The Treasurer shall be elected from NAACYYAMN and by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Board of Directors and serve for a term of office of three (3) years, renewable for a second term.
5. Duties of the Treasurer
Handle all fiscal receipts and disbursements of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network
Prepare and present to the Board of Directors quarterly financial reports
Facilitate a Bi-annual audit using an independent resource
Provide annual financial report
Work with Secretary to assure smooth transition when dealing with new members.
Be bonded
G. The Parliamentarian shall be a member of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network, appointed by the President and approved by two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.
6. Duties of the Parliamentarian
Enforce rules of parliamentary procedure
Assist the President in preparation and ordering of agenda at all functions of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network
Perform other duties as requested by the President and majority of the Board of Directors
The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasure and Parliamentarian and founding member shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee, unless limited in a resolution by the Board, shall have and exercise all the authority of the Board in the management of the business and the affairs of the corporation between meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee shall have the sole responsibility to evaluate and determine the use of the assets of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network.
A. The Standing Committees of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Network are as follows:
1. Certification in Youth and Young Adult Ministry
2. Program Development
3. Policy and Procedures
4. Financial Development
5. Publicity/Communication/Media
6. Social Justice
7. Membership
8. Fundraising/Grants
9. Evangelization
B. The Board of Directors shall have at least one member sit as a member of each standing committee.
C. The President shall appoint a chair to each standing committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors by a two-thirds majority vote. The Committee Chair need not be a member of the Board of Directors.
D. The Board of Directors shall approve the establishment of any ad-hoc committees by the President with a two-thirds majority vote of those present at each meeting.
A. Bi-annual meetings of the membership of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network shall occur in the spring and fall of each year, for executing the business of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network. The date, time, place and agenda for the meetings shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
B. Special Meetings, of special in person meetings, shall be called by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Board of Directors, or the President of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network by providing written notification of date, time, place of the Special Meeting and the specific purpose or issue(s) to be addressed at least six (6) weeks prior to the date of the special meeting. Issues addressed at the Special Meeting shall be limited to those matters or issues set forth in the notice calling for said meeting. Conference calls should have a notice of 72 hours prior to the date of the special meeting.
C. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of fifty-one percent (51) of the members of the Board to transact the business of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network requiring a vote.
A. Elections for officers of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network shall occur in the spring of the year when each term of office expires.
B. Eligibility – any member of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network who is not a regional coordinator and who is a member in good financial standing is eligible to hold office in the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network. If a regional coordinator is nominated, he or she must relinquish the RC position to be eligible to run.
C. In the event of a vacancy, a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors may fill a vacancy to the Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the general membership at the next Bi-annual meeting of the membership.
Any voting member of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry who is in good financial standing with the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network is eligible to vote, regarding the business being considered or transpiring at the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network meetings, unless otherwise previously stated.
Proposed amendments, revisions or deletions to the By-Laws of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network may be submitted by financial members of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network sixty (60) days prior to the meetings of the general membership. By-Law revisions, amendments, or deletions require a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership present at any regular meeting of the National African American Catholic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Network .
Unless otherwise determined, by a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership present at any meeting, Roberts’ Rules of Parliamentary Procedure shall be administered by the President and imposed by the Parliamentary.